We are excited to bring you the Exmon 23.2 release with new features and improvements.
In this release, we have been working on improved integration with Azure and have added Azure Connection as a data provider and Azure Synapse as a package type. We have also continued working on Hierarchies in the web for Exmon Data Management and have added the Delete nodes feature along with other smaller fixes and improvements.
In both Exmon Data Governance and Exmon Data Management we have updated our logos and colors. You can now see the new logo when you use our products.
Exmon Data Governance
Azure Connection as a Data Provider
We have added an Azure connection as a data provider. Currently, only Azure Synapse packages are using this type of data provider but in the future, it will be connected to other items using Azure connection.
Azure Synapse Package added to Exmon Data Governance
The option to connect to and run Azure Synapse packages from Exmon Data Governance has been added. In order to use this option the user must first create a Data Provider for Synapse containing the authentication information for the relevant Azure subscription. Once this is done, a DG package connecting to and running a specific pipeline from an Azure Synapse package can be created. Read more about Azure Synapse packages in Exmon here.
TimeXtender ODX Package type (BETA)
We have added a new Data Provider Type, TimeXtender SAAS, and a new package type that allows you to connect to TimeXtender ODX and execute jobs. This is a part of our TimeXtender integration improvements to make TimeXtender and Exmon work better together.
Exmon Data Management
Hierarchies in web
We continue working to improve hierarchies in the Exmon web application. We have implemented the Delete branches feature and made some smaller improvements and bug fixes. Read more about the web hierarchies here.

Bug fixes and smaller improvements
Data Governance
- Could not create Data Transfer Package with a PowerShell data provider through an execution connection
- Users were unable to search for a Data Provider Datasource Type
- When a package was run through gateway, it did not send an email to the user
- Not all Data Providers were shown when a Data Provider Group was created
- A newly created Data Management Data Provider was shown as empty when opened again
- User could not run the Data Provider Command package through Gateway
- Reports in object groups were not displayed in Process Maps
- Failure emails from executions through Gateway did not include error text
- The Run button in a Process Map in the Portal did not work properly
- Process maps were not ordered in alphabetical order
- The User got an error dialog when they opened Test Details in the Portal
- Test and Production environment did not work for Test Connection in Gateway
- Gateway did not use package timeout when it was specifically set
- PowerShell command with Select-Object could not be run
- Data Provider Package did not work through Gateway on PROD
- No logging while waiting for a Gateway package to finish
- Exception is thrown when the user double clicks background in a Process Map
- SQL timeout for Dimensions was too short
Data Management
- ID column was called exTables Row Id instead of Exmon Row Id in Lookup Column Options
- Adding a comma to Default Value for Double column was not possible
- Create a table with Import from database multiplied decimal and double columns
- Help in importing a text file with Fixed Width navigated the user to an error page
- The next button was disabled after changing Delimiter from Fixed Width to something else
- Users could not move data nodes from a Hierarchy to Unassigned in the web application
- Moving root to its branch is possible in a Hierarchy in the web application
- Importing a DateTime value with a specific format did not work properly
- Lookup to DateTime column did not show the value with the correct format
- Read-only columns were not visible to use as a Unique Key column when importing
- When user created a Hierarchy with Max Height less than 6 an error was thrown
- Deleting a table with a hierarchy did not delete the hierarchy tables and views in the database
- Executing DG action did not work
- Text overlap between columns in an open table in web application
- Client became unresponsive when user tried to remove a Thousand Separator for Large Number column
- If an Audit Schema did not exist and the user tried saving a table with Full Audit History On, they got an error and the toolbar stayed disabled.
We have been working on updating the design and user interface for Turnkey in this release using the new colors for Exmon.

How to upgrade?
In Exmon Data Management, users in versions 22.5 and above can complete the upgrade themselves through the Desktop client. See the Guide.
Contact support@exmon.com to upgrade