Exmon DG 4.7

Related products: Exmon

exMon 4.7 delivers further improvements to the diagram editor and scheduler, as well as smaller bug fixes and improvements.

Diagram process map improvements

We continue to develop the process map editor introduced in exMon 4.6. The insert tab now includes helpful actions.

  • Import From Process Map copies the design of another process map.
  • Templates has a couple of common process map templates as a starting point.
  • Recent Images include the last 10 imported images.

Process and scheduling execution improvements

Schedule groups have in previous versions always executed all tasks in parallel. This is the desired behaviour in most cases but can result in too heavy a load on the source systems. With exMon 4.7 you can choose to execute a scheduled group in Sequence. The schedule groups will by default execute everything in parallel.

Related to this there is also a new global option that can be set in Configuration. General.System.MaximumGlobalParallelThreads allows you to set a maximum number of tasks that can be executed at the same time in exMon. This only affects tasks executed in processes or schedules and queues up all new tasks. If you manually execute a single task it will execute without regard to other executions.    

Schedule holidays

When scheduling tests and processes you would often send out unwanted emails to employees during holidays. With exMon 4.7 we added the ability to add a list of holidays and assign it to specific schedules. When schedules trigger during holidays, the execution will be ignored and executed according to the schedule after that day. exMon 4.7 includes the Icelandic public holidays but you can add your specific holiday, either in exMon Data Governance or by merging data from existing tables with SQL Server.

View previous task versions

Right-clicking an entry in Audit now allows you to view that specific version. A read-only view of the version opens that allows you to compare and copy.

Other improvements

  • Exceptions containing numbers written in scientific notation now work correctly.
  • Tasks on the process map no longer flash red/yellow when starting the process.
  • When the task is deleted, it will be removed from the schedule, object and process groups.
  • exMon Data Governance should now upgrade correctly.
  • It's safer to execute multiple instances of the same query at the same time.
  • PowerShell queries no longer require a DataTable called $exMonResults. exMon reads output from the pipeline