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XPilot v1.0

Related products: TimeXtender Portal

We are excited to announce the latest version of XPilot, packed with significant improvements and new features to enhance your experience. Here are the highlights:

  • 5x Faster Responses: With a new and improved Index, XPilot now delivers responses five times faster, ensuring you get the information you need without delay.
  • 10x More Intelligent Responses: Powered by GPT-4o, XPilot's responses are now ten times more intelligent. Additionally, XPilot now has the capability to remember previous interactions, providing more contextually relevant answers. A response not quite hitting the mark? Ask XPilot to clarify or provide a correction.
  • More Knowledgeable: XPilot is now more knowledgeable than ever, incorporating all the latest knowledge base articles and Exmon user guides. And now even YOU! can help make XPilot smarter, as it's also trained on "answered" user community questions. 
  • Improved Usability: The user interface has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, significantly improving usability and making it easier to navigate and find the information you need. Responses now include images and GIFs when needed, making it easier for users to understand complex information. This visual enhancement aims to provide a more intuitive and engaging user experience.
  • Code Generation: XPilot can now accurately generate SQL and DAX code, making it a valuable tool for users who need precise and efficient coding assistance.

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