Hi all,
I have an API that uses nested XML to deliver the data. I have used a relational model to be able to retrieve this data in separate tables. Based on key fields that are created I am able to join the tables back together. All works fine, however, I want to reference a (different) field from my parenttable in a nested table.
Currently, the output adds a field _id in my parenttable PerformanceInfoRow to be able to reference the underlying data back to the specific period. However, this _id contains an integer. Daily I will get three rows of data and daily I will thus get back the _ids 1, 2 and 3. So, in the end this will not be a unique key when retrieving more days of data. Therefore, I want to specify the Period that also is available in the parenttable, which is unique since it will not only show the date but also whether it is morning, afternoon or evening. This will be unique, but unfortunately I am not able to add this field to the underlying tables. I have tried to adjust my RSD file but I cannot get it to work (yet).
I have added my RSDs (the parenttable and nested table) in the attachment. In the screenshot below you will see the result in my nested table. The ID 1 should only be linked to the 2024/12/03 Ochtend, 2 should only be linked to 2024/12/03 Middag and 3 should only be linked to 2024/12/03 Nacht.

Any help would be much appreciated. :)