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We have a REST API that we are calling and setting up pagination on, so we are using an rsd file.  We need to pass a calculated date (milliseconds since 1970) to the API call.  I think we might need to reference a stored date of our last data extraction and then calculate the proper date to pass to the REST API.  I am thinking we might do that in TX, but I am unclear how we can then pass a TX variable value in to the rsd file so we can put it into the query string of the API call.  Any pointers that can be provided would be appreciated.


From an Zendesk ticket made regarding this topic.

Hi Daniel
If you are using a Business Unit the following guide can help.
There is a reason why it is at the bottom of the article, as it was the first method I learned and I have since found other methods that worked better.
Also, you can't use parameters such as this with the ODX.
You can add a dynamic date as a parameter, what I got in the guide needs to be changed a bit to use for you.
You can probably use datediff instead. It will return a number

nattr | datediff(iinterval]v, value]l, inputformat])]

Returns the difference (in units specified by the first parameter) between now and the date specified by the second parameter.
  • interval: The optional interval you want the result in. Specify day, hour, minute, second, or millisecond.
  • value: The optional string representation of the date to compare with attribute value. Default is now.
  • inputformat: The optional input format specifier. Default is autodetected.

I suppose it would be something like
<api:set attr="Start" value="1970-01-01" />
<api:set attr="range" value="udummy | yStart] | datediff('milisecond',date('yyyy-MM-dd'))"/>
I hope it makes sense.
Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Thomas Lind

Thank you Thomas.

I did finally find the article with passing the parameter. I think I have that working now (with just a hard-coded value being passed in). The other information you provided I think will help with calculating the appropriate value to pass.

Thank you again.
