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This is my JSON{ "projectNumber": "123456", "name": "TX", "addendumValues": { "addendumGroups": [ { "addendumGroupName": "G1", "rows": [ { "columns": { "revnr_G1": [ "Rev.1" ], "date_G1": [ "2023-06-21T00:00:00.0000000" ] } } ] }, { "addendumGroupName": "G2", "rows": [ { "columns": { "revnr_G2": [ "Rev.1" ], "date_G2": [ "2023-06-21T00:00:00.0000000" ] } }, {
Hi,I am trying yo apply the new integrated Deliver Instance variable, but get an error when deploying the instance. When deleting the variable again, de depoyment and execution succeeds. I already tried the following:Synchronizing de Deliver instance Refreshing the environment Reopening TX Deleting and recreating the variable with a different name Trying the Fixed variable instance (which gives me the same issue)Any suggestions? Kinds regards,Devin
When running an execution and it fails in a Tabular, isn't it possible to continue executing the other tables (which are of course not a source for the failing Tabular). Now in our process the execution stops, but the tabular is just a last step for a few tables, not for all other tables.
Hello,Strange behavior and tricky to explain but I will do my best.I have a dimension (company) where I have set security on. So I created different roles (by company) and for example the role = Company1 will only see data related to Company1.So I have several roles and some users are allocated to different roles, meaning they are allowed to see data form Company1 and Company2 and they can use that Company dimension to filter.The strange behavior is that those user only see part of the data of Company2.Example is production orders, when they look into the report with company filter they see ± 20 production orders. When I look at the report (and I have no limited security) I see 500 production orders.So I am a bit confused and not sure how to solve it. When I add a user to the Role with no security they can also see everything. I would better understand if they would see nothing of Company2 but they do see limited data.Any idea how to better investigate ?Also it is hard to remove a user
Have anyone an example on a successful connector regarding a normal Active Directory - not Azure AD.Can’t find any information about it but I guess many have done a connection using TX for that. RegardsAnders Bengtsson
Hi, I have a virtual machine that is currently hosting the ODX service and I would like to get my local machine up and running with TX desktop. I have installed the application but am getting an error that can be found below. I have looked through the documentation regarding this but it seems that the legacy documenation is all I can find with anything relevant. In the screen shots it is asking to review settings in the ODX tab and the Project repository tab which are non existent in the latest TX version I am using. I only see General and Customer editors when looking at Tools>options. ERROR> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)Details:SQL Server: ''SQL Error Number: 64
I have a table (table A) with a lookup field from table B (using the default relation between A and B). This works fine.Table B is then renamed because of a spelling error, deployed and executed. Good.Table A still seems to be OK: the relationship between A and B looks fine and the data cleansing procedure (Advanced -> Customize Code -> Data Cleansing Procedure) contains table B with its newly updated name.However, table A won't execute because the deployed version of the data cleansing procedure still references table B's old name.The simple fix is to force a deployment of table A, but I think TimeXtender should have noticed that a deployment was needed (red table name). Seems like a bug to me.Legacy version SQL Server: '' SQL Procedure: 'MDW_TR.usp_table_A_Clean' SQL Line Number: 65 SQL Error Number: 208 Invalid object name 'MDW.table_B_old_name'.
Hi all, a question from me. We have a customer with a lot of very large tables. We would like to filter these tables in our dev and test systems, to be able to develop and execute faster.Is there any way we can filter tables in the Ingest conditionally? So we can add filters that will not be transferred to production on promotion, or filters that have a condition so that they will only be applied on non-production Ingest instances?
Hi I have a REST data source that provides the desired output in CSV format. However, I'm looking for guidance on formatting the XML output to match the expected structure. Currently, the XML output I receive looks like this:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Name_of_table> <value> "name_of_column1","name_of_column2","name_of_column3","000: name_of_column4," "G name,with comma","2000M01","Volumindeks, kalenderjustert",. "G name,with comma","2000M02","Volumindeks, kalenderjustert",. "G name,with comma","2000M04","Volumindeks, kalenderjustert",3.2 "G name,with comma","2000M05","Volumindeks, kalenderjustert",50.2... </value></Name_of_table>Is there any support for CSV responses in the Rest Connector, or do you recommend creating a XSLT file for this purpose?
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