Clearing old executions, in TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality, can help improve performance and increase processing speed. There are many different ways to use TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality, some customers value historic information while others are primarily focused on recent or current information. For those that do not value historic information, deleting older information can improve exMon performance. This will also reduce the storage required for the TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Qualityinstallation.
Clearing execution data
For most customers, execution data is only relevant for a couple of months. Deleting older executions can greatly reduce the size of your TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality database. However, we recommend only deleting data older than 6 months.
To delete older execution data TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality ships with a stored procedure called usp_maint_cleanup_exec_history with the parameters @number_days_to_keep and @keep_rows_in_history.
- @number_days_to_keep is an integer value and as the name suggests decides the number of days of data that is kept and is by default set to 180 days
- @keep_rows_in_history is a bit value that decides if data is stored in a historic table or if data is completely removed. By sending in the value 0 the data is completely removed but by sending in the value 1 the data is kept while still improving TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality performance.
Clearing execution data
You can clear execution data by executing a stored procedure, like this:
exec [dbo].[usp_maint_cleanup_exec_history] @number_days_to_keep ,@keep_rows_in_history
This stored procedure can be executed through a package and scheduled to regularly run. Furthermore, you can clear old exceptions to reduce database size.