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User and User Group Permissions in TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality

Christian Hauggaard
Community Manager

In this article, you will read about user and user group permissions in TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality. To be able to access TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality, user permissions must be set by an administrator.

The type of permissions a user can have are:

  • Administrator
    • Global administrator has access to everything in the Desktop client and Portal
  • System Administrator
    • Users can view all systems on the Portal and client if the user has the developer role selected too
  • Process Administrator
    • Users can run processes, execution jobs or single tasks on process maps they have access to in the Portal
  • Process User
    • Users can run processes and execution jobs on process maps they have access to in the Portal
  • Tester
    • Users have access to Development and Test environments on the Portal
  • Deployment Administrator
    • Users can deploy tasks to Test and Production
  • Developer
    • Users can open the Desktop client with limited access to systems dependent on System Administrator/Systems below

Furthermore, a user can be given special permissions:

  • View selected system(s) on Portal/Client
  • View and manage all exceptions in the selected system(s) on Portal
  • Run selected processes
  • Run selected execution jobs

User Groups

A user can also be a part of a user group. Users inherit permissions from the user groups they are members of. There are two types of User groups:

  • Active Directory Group – Consists of all TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality users that are members of the selected Windows Active Directory Group
  • Manual User Group – Consists of all users that have been manually selected into the user group

Active directory groups can therefore be a quick and efficient way to give permissions to a specific division of your company. If a Windows user is removed from Windows Active Directory Group its TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality user counterpart will lose permissions gained from that group.

Note: Users do not have to be specifically added to TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality before they log in. If they are a part of an Active Directory group and they try to open either the Portal or the Desktop client, they will automatically be added as users in TimeXtender Orchestration and Data Quality.

Access for Developers and Testers

To assign specific privileges to users of TimeXtender DG, you can set up roles which grant developers and testers access to different environments:

These permissions are applied globally, so you don’t need to adjust settings for individual systems or processes.

Note: If you select “Process User” without defining a specific system, the user will be unable to access the web client. You must assign them to a particular system or process to grant visibility.

Access to Execution Jobs or specific processes (from Process Map) only

To allow a user to access execution jobs on process maps without granting permission to run specific packages, select no role (as roles provide comprehensive access to all processes). In the system tab, choose view System for the relevant system, and then specify which processes and execution jobs the user can run.

View Process Maps (No Execution Rights)

If you want a user to view process maps without the ability to run any jobs, select no role and designate the system where the user can access the process maps. They will be able to view the systems but won’t have permission to execute any jobs.

You can grant them access to specific Execution Jobs only by not selecting any processes, but open specific Execution jobs for them.

Note: There is currently no option to allow a user to see only a specific process map within a system. If you chose “view system”, the user will always be able to see all process maps within that system.

Warning: Users automatically created by the system over the execution manager (email mapping) will not have access to the portal, unless you choose one of the options above.

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