This article describes common mistakes and errors that can occur in exMon.
The primary key is not unique
For the exception manager to work, the user needs to select a column or combination of columns that are unique for query results. This is due to the way the exception manager updates old exceptions.
To fix this issue, the user needs to open exMon Data Governance, open the test that is failing and change the primary key columns.

Note: exMon Data Governance can only guarantee that primary keys are unique for current data results, it cannot ensure that query will always return a unique primary key.
Schedule exceeded trigger threshold and failed to run
This failure happens when the schedule’s trigger has not been executed at the correct time and has exceeded its timeframe to do so. Usually, this is due to the server being down for an extended period of time. Rather than risking crashing the server again by executing all schedules that should’ve been executed while the server was down, we notify the system owner and reschedule the failed schedules.
You can manually execute vital schedules on the main server, either by using the exMon execution agent or administrator.
- With the execution agent, you execute it with a command prompt and the command line “epcmd –runschedule {schedule_id} --force_execution”
- With exMon Data Governance you can open the schedule you want to execute and in the toolbar, you have a command prompt icon which opens a window from which you can execute.
How can I see the execution history of a task
When a task starts failing, users often want to see how the task has been running up until that point.
Data Governance and portal each have their own way to see the execution history of a task.
In the Data Governance, you can find the execution history of all exMon tasks under General –> Audit History –> Execution History. You can then filter or search for the results you want to see. There’s also a shortcut under each task’s toolbar which opens the execution history with the list filtered on the task.

In the portal, you can see the execution history of tasks that are on Process/exception maps. You can find the list of tasks under Process Management –> Status, and similar to Data Governance you can select the task you want to view in more detail.

I can’t see a test on the exception overview
There are many reasons why this can happen, so we’ll address each one in short detail.
- The test has not been executed
- The test does not have an exception manager enabled
- The test has a data type, which is collapsed in the exception overview
- The selected user does not have access to the test
- The selected severity is not the same as the test’s severity
Exmon Command Service does not start after upgrade
Please try opening the file ExpectusCommandServiceHost.exe.config under path C:\Program Files\exMon\exMon\CommandService.
There try changing the line:
<probing privatePath="DLLs\" />
<probing privatePath="Lib;" />