TimeXtender Data Governance (DG) is a comprehensive tool that facilitates seamless collaboration between IT and business users, ensuring that data governance objectives are aligned with business goals. The real-time monitoring and remediation features significantly enhance the reliability of data processes, simplifying the data governance landscape. Whether it’s finding exceptions in the customers data or orchestrating complex data processes, TimeXtender DG provides a platform to address the diverse data needs of an organization, propelling it toward a data-driven operational paradigm.
TimeXtender DG is a desktop application and web-platform that contains two products, TimeXtender Data Quality and TimeXtender Orchestration.
The most common use cases for TimeXtender Data Quality are:
- Detect and correct data input mistakes causing errors in their data warehouse
- Ensure source data is updated correctly, avoiding issues like empty exports from systems
- Identify and rectify mistakes in customer business processes
- Assign ownership to data errors
The most common use cases for TimeXtender Orchestration are:
- Manage complex processes that require multiple schedulers in different locations
- Visualize execution packages and other processes in a process map for on-prem and cloud solutions
- Business users can directly trigger execution packages and processes from the online process map. This empowers business users to re-run execution packages and processes that might have failed, enabling handover of first-level support to customers or support teams
- Handle processes dependent on reading flat files from third-party sources, such as FTP
- Resolve frequent data process failures due to technical issues
The tool helps businesses to gain control and trust in their data by monitoring it around the clock to detect any potential issues in the quality of the data, and its integration with other systems. DG is a pragmatic, instant value-oriented platform that makes sure customers gain value immediately, without expensive and time-consuming implementations.
There are two DG interfaces: DG Desktop and DG Web
TimeXtender DG Desktop

The desktop client is created for Data Engineers and Data Stewards. A feature-rich Windows application that allows you to create users, design process maps, orchestrate processes, create queries for different data sources, schedule packages, define objective groups, and a lot more.
The main elements within the Desktop interface are:
- Navigation panel: This is where you find everything regarding process orchestration and quality control. You have access to and create processes, project maps, quality checks, schedule groups, etc.
- System related: In the upper section you find everything related to a system, which is the highest level of organization in DG. You can give users specific access to systems.
- General: Here you find everything that is connected to the overall setting like creating users, connecting to data sources and audit Emails.
- Feature Selector: Here you switch between queries, processes, … or jump to the Start Page.
- Client Settings: Here you can switch between services, configure Tools or find the help pages.
TimeXtender DG Web

The web client is a lightweight interface for business users to view process maps and exceptions and run packages on demand. The web client does not have all the capabilities of the Windows client.