We have trouble with an endpoint in a TimeXtender REST API data source using the Override Headers functionality. The problem arose when we upgraded our TX software to the latest version of TDI/TIS and TX REST from 6848.1/6848.1 and
We get this error message:
“Failed to execute request for endpoint 'NBABIItemWS'.
HTTP Status Code 401 Unauthorized
Response body:
<error xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/metadata"><code>Unauthorized</code><message>The credentials provided are incorrect</message></error>”
We use the Override Headers functionality to limit page size for the particular endpoint. It seems that for some reason the authentication token is overwritten when using this feature, and there fore we can not authenticate. We have plenty of other endpoints in the same data source not using Override Headers, and those are working fine, so we suspect that the issue has to do with that setting.
We use this combination of versions:

Is there a way we can alter the call for the endpoint to make the authentication work? We don’t want to limit the page size for all endpoints in the data source.