Sticky Semantic Model

Add Semantic Model Instances

  • 29 December 2022
  • 0 replies
Add Semantic Model Instances
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Relates to TimeXtender 6024.1 and later versions

As with other instances, your semantic models are added in the web interface. You add both the basic semantic model and the accompanying semantic endpoints that you want to use. You can always edit a semantic model instance to add more endpoints or remove existing ones.

To add a new semantic model, follow the steps below.

Add Semantic Model Instance

In the TimeXtender Portal navigate to Data Estate > Instances, click Add Instance> Add semantic model instance.

Note: All connection credentials are protected with 256 bit AES encryption

The 'add' form is divided into two sections - we'll take them one by one in the following.

Basic info

  • Name: type the name you want to use for the data warehouse.
  • Description: type a description of the Instance. The description is displayed on the desktop and on the instance details page.
  • Log Retention Days: adjust the number of days logs should be kept (default is 90).
  • Team Development: Enable if you want to allow multiple developers to develop on the instance at the same time. Since Semantic models are relatively small this is not typically recommended.

Add Endpoints

When you've taken care of the basic info, it's time to add the endpoints you want to use with this model.

In the Add endpoints list, click on the type of endpoint you want to add and then click Add an endpoint

A new form appears with the fields used by the endpoint you selected. For all types, the Name field is required.

CSV Endpoint

Power BI Premium Endpoint

Tabular Endpoint

Tableau Endpoint

Qlik Endpoint

Note: TimeXtender Desktop must be refreshed to retrieve the newly created Semantic Model Instances and endpoints. 

Edit a Semantic Model Instance

Go to TimeXtender Portal  

Home -> Data Estate -> Instances

1. Click on your instance, it will open a page with instance details
2. Click on Edit button, edit properties and Save

Note: TimeXtender Desktop must be refreshed to retrieve the latest changes for the Semantic Model Instance and endpoints.

Delete a Semantic Model Instance

Go to TimeXtender Portal  

Home -> Data Estate -> Instances
1. Click on Delete button next to your instance.  The Delete dialog will be shown.

2. Enter the instance name to confirm, add a comment (reason) and click on Delete

Test Endpoint Connection

In order to deploy and execute a Semantic Model instance, the endpoint connection that is defined in the TimeXtender Portal needs to be valid. Right-click on the instance and select Edit Instance.

Next, select the semantic endpoint from the list and choose Test Endpoint Connection to ensure that we can successfully connect to each endpoint.


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