This article describes how to add a Tableau Endpoint to a Deliver instance. For Tableau, a TDS file is created with connection information that the application can read and then use to connect.
In the TimeXtender Portal navigate to Data Estate > Instances, click Add Instance> Add Deliver instance. Select Tableau Endpoint from the Add endpoints list, then click Add an endpoint. Fill out the following fields in the form.
In the File box, enter the path and file name for the Tableau data source file generated by TimeXtender Data Integration. It must have the extension ".tds".
(Optional) In the Schema box, type the schema name you want to use for the views generated by TimeXtender Data Integration.
(Optional) In the Postfix box, type the postfix TimeXtender Data Integration uses for views.
Note: if the endpoint uses data from a Prepare instance with Snowflake storage follow these additional steps.
When you deploy a Tableau endpoint, a view for each table in the model is created in the Prepare instance that houses the table. The view name depends on the settings on the endpoint and has the format [view schema].[model name]_[endpoint name]_[table name]_[postfix], e.g. "Tableau.MyModel_MyTableau_Customers_tab".