We are facing a problem with a ODX data lake storage table. The problems are appearing at two points in our Data Warehouse:
- The ODX transfer tasks gives the warning “Table folder X is used by another table with id Y”
- When using the ‘Preview’ option from TX interface in ODX storage we get the error “The azure data lake gen2 data storage table folder has invalid meta data. The ODX must transfer the table again”
Using ‘Synchronize objects’ on ODX server does not do anything at all. Moreover, executing the table in DSA still works without errors and seems to contain new data. Also, in our Azure storage account we can see the transfer task adds new versions of the table every day (scheduled transfer task) even though it gives us the warning 1).
By the way, the table ID that the error on ODX transfer task gives us does not correspond with the TableId that we can see in the _model.json file in the corresponding folder in our Azure storage account. Where should the table ID from the first error point us to? Can we somehow locate this ID?
Concluding, what is causing these errors and what can we help to resolve and prevent it?