Cannot find files in Excel Online (Sharepoint with Delegated Permission)
We use Sharepoint for multiple data sources. Connecting the Sharepoint Lists works fine and I have a OAuth for Excel Online running as well, but my data source throws an error: Cannot find file.
The hardest part is connecting to the file, authentication usually works fine.
You can add the site to the storagebase URL field.
Here are my setup.
You could change your setup, so the site is not part of the name you connect to. It is not necessary to add it if your app is set up correctly, otherwise add the name in the StorageBase URL field.
Hi Thomas, i want to load multiple files with the same connector, this is why I don’t specify a single file.
Your URI doesn’t contain the URL of the sharepoint, how is this information passed in the connector?
I don’t what to specify a folder, because I want to receive multiple excels.
Moving my connection string (with or without site name) to the Storage Base URL doesn’t change the error.
If I remove the Name from the sharepoint url I connect to, do I need to add the information to another field?
Hi Lukas
I mention this in the first section of my guide.
You can’t connect to the files with Excel Online?
Hi Thomas,
you’re right, let’s do one step after another. At first let’s stick to the excel connector and connect to one specific file.
Although the OAuth is still fine, I’m unable to see my Excel file. (Errors and Settings see screenshot)
What am I missing?
Hi Thomas,
it tried to configure the Excel Online Connector as well. In this case. Synchronization and Transfer are working, but I receive only meta data tables and no actual excel files. (See Screenshot)
Is there anything I need to specify in Schema or “Various” for finding tables?
So if you compare this path, to what I actually add in the URI it is not the same. I do not have my file located in a specific Site, but if I had I would add that part in the StorageBase URL field like so
For the actual URI, I started with the whole path I copied until it worked and that required me to remove everything except the last three folders.
So for you I assume it will be URI: sprest://test/timextendertest.xlxs
For the Excel Online issue, it is similar to what I experienced. I could not make it show anything but the files on my local onedrive until I got an app with application rights and used Client as my grant mode.
I will try to see if I can make it appear the same way for me and find what is needed to see all files.
Hi Thomas,
thanks for the details on the Settings, this was exactly what I needed to know: The URI without the Documents and the StorageBaseURL with the Sitename. Thanks! I’m able to source individual excels now.
For the Excel Online, I still receive an error. (see Screenshot), so probably my App Registration is not set up correctly.
You see my permissions in my first posting, as we use the same app for all Sharepoint Connections. The Application Permissions should be fine. Do you have any idea, what might be missing?
Hi @lukas.g
Sorry for the delay. When you are working with client grant type the app is what gets the access. So it will need to have specific elevated rights and it also has some limitations in regards to onedrive files.
I would need to see the actual setup of the app to know if it could be that which gives issues.
Also try out the newest version of the provider, it gets updated with new versions regularly.
Hi @lukas.g has this issue been resolved? Did you try upgrading to the latest version of the provider? Please create a support ticket so we can take a look at your setup if you are still having issues. Thanks!