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Is it possible cancel a Job in some of these status?


If it is not located here

You can stop it by ending the tasks,

If it is a Ingest Instance task, it is the ExecutionEngine_x64.exe

If it is a execution package it is the timextender.exe task.

If you have more than one as I do, you can find the process id here.


Yes I know, but I want cancel one job that it’s waiting but maintain the running ones.

Hi @rvgfox 

The task is a job, once it is done running it will be closed anyway.

You can always stop a Ingest Service job with the Execution Queue, but for all others using the end timextender.exe task is the one that will stop it.

I know, the problem it’s if you have launch a job by error and if it’s waitingg, you cannot cancel it.

@rvgfox please try restarting the execution service


I think the point is that if you only want to cancel some of the Jobs (the waiting ones), but don't want to cancel the running ones that is not currently possible. You can only cancel Jobs in the ODX / Ingest queue, not ones queueing for the execution service.

@Christian Hauggaard @rory.smith Exactly, that it’s the problem.

thanks Rory!
@rvgfox please review and upvote the following ideas


Hi @rory.smith @rvgfox 

There is now a new way of scheduling execution packages and tasks using TimeXtender Orchestration and TDI 6814.1, please see the following guide:

In TimeXtender Orchestration there is a Process Queue functionality, which will allow easier scheduling and stopping of TDI execution packages and tasks:

