There's loads of documentation about AAS and PowerBI Premium tabular models being mostly identical in use. Currently we are using 2 expensive AAS servers to host our development and testing semantic models. Transferring these 2 environments to a PPU environment within PowerBI would save allot of money.
Within the current version of TimeXtender there is a separate option to select a Premium Tabular model instead of AAS. This is something the legacy version does not have. But why would TimeXtender need to know the difference. In working with either Premium or AAS their XMLA connection is exactly the same. Setting a migration from AAS to Premium and then simply exchanging the links within the environment properties seems like a simple enough plan. As i found in the following link the important part would be having an updated library to do this data transfer.
Other than this i don't see why this wouldn't simply work, but I'll admit I'm relatively new to TimeXtender so there might be something that I'm missing. Support requested i ask my question here since they thought it wasn't possible, but couldn't give an explanation as to why.
To me i don't see a reason why this wouldn't work. All i know is that within the Premium model i need to connect with Microsoft authentication. this too wouldn't be a problem. The only thing to pay attention to is making sure I don't add any premium features to my PBIX file so i can connect it back up to the production AAS whenever transferring between environments.
If anyone could provide insight I would really appreciate it!