We have an issue with an Oracle data source, having a different “Owner” between the acceptance and production environments.
We're on TimeXtender 20.10.51 using Business Units.
The Oracle data source is configured using a global database. On acceptance it looks like this:

When the data source is added on acceptance, objects are read as accpOwner.tableName.

The production global database properties look like this, with a different owner:

However, on production TimeXtender expects the same owner that was configured in acceptance:

And these selected tables don't exist in the production database, because they exist as prodOwner.tableName.
This means that the tables cannot be found in the data source, and consequently cannot be executed. When syncing data source on prod all tables are dropped from the business unit, losing mappings to DSA, and no production tables are selected.
One solution I can think of is to add ACCP and PROD tables in both environments, and use an environment variable to compensate, but this seems unnecessarily laborious. What would be the best way to make this work?