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TimeXtender 6429.1

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TimeXtender 6429.1
Thomas Hjermitslev
Community Manager

And it's about time for a new release of TimeXtender! The new version (Desktop v. 6429.1) includes a bunch of much-requested and, dare we say, exciting features, that we hope will improve your day-to-day. It doesn't have to be crazy at work.


As with any innovative feature release, there may be some quirks along the way. Though we’ve done extensive initial testing, we encourage you to report any bugs you may find so we may release further improvements as rapidly as possible.


  • We've standardized terminology around instances and data source connections in the Portal. Among other things, we wanted to fix the common confusion around data sources. Now, in the Portal, you add "data sources connections" that can be used on "data sources" in the ODX in Desktop.



  • On the Instances card on the Home page, the instances as now ordered with the newest first.
  • On the 'Add/editing data source connection' page, the left-side section navigation was not displayed.
  • On the 'Add/editing data source connection' page, SSL secrets are now hidden.
  • The Portal would show incorrect data source variable names.
  • A data source connection would fail to save due to an incorrect validation error.
  • In some cases, the activity list would fail to load or the pagination would break.
  • The Customer Details page would be displayed for deleted customers.
  • We've improved the loading of the Home page with better loading animations.
  • If a company can't be moved, you'll be notified without the Move modal popping up.


  • 18959: Updated sql server 2022 assembly dependencies
  • 18988: When executing an object in the data warehouse with ‘Data on demand’ enabled on the data source, the transfer from the data source to the ODX storage would not be visible in the log. Now, the transfer from the source has a separate entry in the log in the details for the "outbound" transfer.
  • 19123: Fixed an issue with sql spatial types and sql server 2022 in the MDW.
  • 19191: Added support for data source connections without descriptions.
  • 19199: Deploying only modified tables was very slow while deploying all tables was faster.
  • 19261: An issue where you cannot add fields to semantic model tables with custom fields has been resolved.
  • 19265: Changed a label from "data area" to "data warehouse" in the Execution Server Configuration tool.
  • 19269: Fixed an out of memory exception.
  • 19304: Empty tables would be created when using SQL Server as ODX Storage.
  • 19317: Optimize StepRowCountLoggingExecute.cs (logging of rows). The logic behind the Step Row Count has been optimized.
  • 19323: Mapping same field to multiple fields in a MDW table from ADF not possible. Using Azure Data Factory transfer from ODX to MDW doesn't support mapping the same column from the ODX to multiple fields on the same table in the MDW. We have added a validation that blocks this scenario in a deploy/execute scenario.
  • 19326: We fixed the issue with losing new lines when saving or updating a Query Table on ODX.
  • 19343: Improved labeling of Edit MDW instances.
  • 19358: The version number was sometimes replaced with a random word in the Copy to Instance dialog.
  • 19367: We resolved an issue where, when adding a job, the color for an invalid selection did not get grayed out, and there was a misalignment on the control for validating an item.
  • 19386: Fixed a scaling issue with the documentation template dialog
  • 19400: Can't authenticate the D365 BC provider on creation.
  • 19412: Fixed an issue with "show translations" not working on custom measures for Power BI premium.
  • 19415: Fixed an issue where data formatting settings were not enabled on SSL fields for Power BI
  • 19429: Removed unnecessary warnings in the ODX when synchronizing OLE DB based data sources
  • 19457: Fixed an issue with remapping SSL table when the mapped MDW gets deleted.
  • 19464: Added syntax highlighting for various scripts.
  • 19505: Fixed an issue with clone fields and lookup transformation templates.
  • 19519: There was an issue with incremental load into Azure Data Lake storage where the source type is handled as UniversalDataTypes.Datetime. This caused the incremental datetime value to be UTC + local time offset.
  • 19526: Improved error message for when loading an instance fails.
  • 19533: Added support for OAuth login during the add data source flow in the ODX.
  • 19540: Fixed an issue with enabling 'Keep fields up-to-date' with XML data type fields.
  • 19560: The ODX would continue transferring data even though the task was stopped in the ODX Execution Queue.
  • 19562: Fixed an issue with running a job schedule set to "run once on this day".
  • 19627: Fixed an issue where running execution packages with prioritization didn't work.
  • 19678: Fixed an issue where deleting a data source in the ODX would not always do cleanup of its task history.
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